Thursday 30 July 2020


On Satureday I was putting some things away in the new winter store when I noticed that an old dead elder tree that sits behind our back fence on the recreation ground was no longer there!

Great I thought They have finally taken it down ! Then I noticed that I could see something across our back gate...

 It was the Elder tree! It had not been removed but in fact had fallen down and was resting on a fence panel between our next door neighbour and us and not only that some of the top branches were sitting / resting on the roof of the shed we'd recently given him !

 At present we don't think it's caysed any damage.

 From outside our back fence this is the tree trunk covered in thick ivy laying across the entrance to our garden.

Paul had considered trying to push it off onto the ground for safety but it was far too heavy to move and could have resulted in an accident if he and the neighbour had tried! So of course it being the weekend , no one's replied yet to our messages to the parish council who are responsible for the ground and tree, But hopefully it will be removed soon.

This lovely Dahlia is now open.

One of the new Agapanthus.

 Crocosmia Lucifer, looks pink in this but is a bright red.


Tess of the d'urbervilles


 The patio pots.


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