Sunday, 28 November 2021


 Almost December and the weather has turned bitterly cold over this weekend. You can tell it's going to be winter later this week.

We have three Mahonia's in the garden, this is the one at the front , near the front door, they are all full of beautiful yellow flowers and have been for months.

The other two are in the back garden, one in the house garden and the last one right up the back after the lychgate.

There are still a couple of Fuchsia's out the front too.

The newly replanted flower bed, in the flower garden is looking fine.

We have cut back the Akeba that was covering this area to allow some like to get into the plants which to was starting to cover.

So it will be allowed to regrow.

You can just see the third Mahonia on the right also large and full of flowers, which are good for single bees and the berry that come after help to feed the birds in the winter.

The banana's are wrapped and the greenhouse full.

The end border by the new fence is doing well.

We used the cutting from the roses after they were put through the shredder as a mulch.

The Magnolia on the left of the pot has lots of buds.

Paul's made a leaf compost bin, so we will have some lovely leaf mulch in a year . Leaves are still dropping, so there is room for more.

Still some work to do before it gets too cold to be out and about in the garden.