Monday 22 August 2022


 The new window for the second folly wall should arrive today! But while we are waiting Edward 1st arrived along with his wife Eleanor.

By the same craftsman as our statue that sits inside the folly Niamh, these two will be put up either side of the new window once it's in and finished.

We just could not resist these two.

 This is Edward 1st of England, also known as Edward Longshanks due to his height of 6ft 2.

and this is his first wife Eleanor of Castile, who bore him 15 children and when she died, he brought her body back from the north of England and a Eleanor cross was built at the twelve places her body rested on the journey.

One of those places was called Waltham and is now known as Waltham Cross and the cross still stands. Her body also rested in Charing, back then a little village near Westminster Abbey where she was to be buried. That is now part of London called Charing Cross.

Looking forward to seeing the wall finished and these in place.

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