Thursday 15 April 2021


 Today was another bitterly cold day to start with and Paul is up to the part of the fence that backs onto our neighbours hedge, which is overgrown. So now it's harder because tree roots need to be cut and the hedge cut back to allow the fence panel and concrete post to be put in place.

Also that part of the fence was covered in ivy, which again made it harder to remove.

slowly getting there.

So one more panel to go in to complete the flower garden fencing , the place in the photo where you can see some low trellis but we have another to start the fencing behind the workshop.

We also started to burn some of the old fencing wood because there is so much of it , that it will probably take a couple of evenings to get rid of it all.

So tomorrow the next panel or maybe two will be in and then it will be time to sort out weeding the flower beds and deciding what we are doing with the path.

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