Friday, 18 May 2018


Due to the long winter/ cold wet spring we've not be near the garden for months! Plus with having to take down the old gazebo which we'd filled in to shelter plants in, we have left wood, plastic sheeting and goodness knows what else all over the garden!

Today I needed to go down to the end of the garden and was overwhelmed at the mess that had been left everywhere! So instead of  getting the house work done today , I spent several hours moving pots out from their winter shelter and then using that space to place all the pieces of wood, plastic sheeting etc tidily into one place which made it much easier to get about.

After a short break for lunch I returned to finish that job and then later in the afternoon I decided to start tackling this one..

The way round to the circle seating area at the back right hand corner of the garden was overgrown! A beautifully scented Albert Carrier rose had grown so big and rampant that it was growing over and pushing down the lilac's that are along the right hand side of the pathway.

so It was time for some serious cutting back.

These Rhododendron's and Azalea's are in full bloom and looking bright and cheerful.

in the middle here should be the pathway!

The lilac with the rose behind.

After a serious cut back the lilac is now standing straighter and you can see the line of the pathway.

 before and


Still lots to do, like removing the now cut down pieces of rose and honeysuckle which was also growing rampant.

I cannot find my gardening gloves, so will need to get another pair tomorrow before I can get into the weeding , of which there is loads!..

In the corner of the flower garden this Rhododendron and Azalea are also making a statement and it's all growing well.

The Wisteria is about to fully blossom.

and it looks like my plan of it's blooms dropping through the trellis shading of the Cloisters is finally happening!
I must check this each day and try and get some photos of when the flowers are at full length.

So despite needing to get the cabin finished , we also need to start spending some time each day or evening tackling all the other jobs that have slide while the weathers been so bad.
But that's gardening for you always something needing doing somewhere if you don't keep your eye on it!


1 comment:

  1. It's all looking lovely Dee, the wisteria looks particularly pretty hanging down through the rafters like that.
