Thursday 15 February 2024


 Goodness that time's slipped by fast! Not much happens here during the winter anyway, we settle the garden to bed then leave it be.

There have been so many storms over the last few months, that we decided to be on the safe side and take Gweinie off her pillar and tuck her safely away at the side of the studio.

We will put her back up next week and hope they don't then announce another storm on it's way with gale force winds.

We had forty bags of mushroom compost delivered in early January and Paul's been weeding and spreading it on the garden flower beds. Still a good sixteen or so bags left to be spread, which we will get too when we have some time.

The raised river bed area is looking well, with some of the bulbs we planted last year starting to appear.

Also the bulbs we planted in pots down near the house are also starting to flower.

Lots of colour to come from these pots.

The Camelia up by the gazebo is full of blooms, hopefully most of them will manage to open before getting caught by any frost.

a closer look.

We are putting in a new kitchen and Paul's doing the work himself, which means we have been able to use the savings of not paying someone to do that, to spend on having someone come in and lay the circular area we want in the flower garden. Wonderful as that is so much harder and less forgiving on the knees and back than putting in the kitchen.

Weather permitting it will be laid soon. So looking forward to seeing it down and finished and finally giving us a path from the house all the way to the back of the garden without having to walk on grass or mud!

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