Friday, 30 June 2023


 So one of the jobs needing doing, is filling in the gaps made by changing the shape of the raised bed.

So Paul removed some soil to make room for the sand bed and the paving. In our plan to use what was available, we luckily already had some bags of sand left over from when the pond base was laid.

After a search about we found some old smallish grey paving slabs which had been used in the flower garden, then removed for the new shape. Along with some other grey sandstone pavers and a couple of granite setts.

I'm pleased to say we found enough to fill the two large semi circles.

It stands out at the moment, a little like a sore thumb, but once the cement dust gets washed off in the rain and it's been down a while , it will blend in especially when the plants are hanging over the sides of the raised bed.
I'd have loved to just use more granite sett but they now cost £2.50 each one! 

and look what I've found ! The three roped top edging we need to finish the other end of this border! So we can replace these with the lighter grey floral faced edging. So that's a plus, no added costs and a nice finish to the other side of this border.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023



The rope topped edging has tidied up the low border opposite the raised bed.

Unfortunately we bought the last six available but we needed nine to get to the end of the border!

So now we have to make the decision whether we wait for more to come back into the store where we bought them or use something different that we already have.

So do we finish with these floral edging pieces which are in a lighter grey or do we wait? I'm tempted to finish the edging with the lighter grey for two reasons, we already have them and it goes with my trying to use what we have and not spend and waste. But this choice means that the edging won't be the same and could look untidy.

This photo shows it's not a long area left to fill, goes up to the pot and then turns in. 

We have also been looking at the raised bed and moving things to the area ready for use later.

So we have moved the big rocks from the rockery to here and also the acer we have been growing in a big pot by the gazebo which was beginning to get in the way.

A little clue to what we are planning here.

So we have also moved our rhododendron and two azalea's that were on the left of the raised bed.

However by doing this it's opened up the view to the bench in the corner, which I'm not sure about. You can see the rhododendron and one of the azalea's have been planted on the left o the photo, to the back of this bed and sheltered by the palms from the direct heat of the sun.

 However from the other point, by the bench, moving the shrubs has opened up the view to the folly. So will have to wait and see how it pans out.

So at present Paul's getting the raised bed sorted by moving some of the plants about into better positions. But we still have the paving to sort, so onwards.

Saturday, 24 June 2023


So Paul reached the last section, which we were reducing in order to be able to walk round to greenhouse.

Originally we were going to reduce this end quite a bit but decided to turn it at the corner, then back to the post, rather than straight across to the post. Saves having to move so much more soil and still allows us to get round to greenhouse.

So still a chuck that needed moving.

Digging out.

Then it was done! All the old rotting wood removed , what was left after so long of it falling down, and new heavy duty boarding along with posts put in.

Here you can see the opening round to the greenhouse.

looking out towards the folly from the corner.

The new bench arrived and I'm very happy with it, it looked quite big at the back in the photos, which at first made me unsure about getting it but is in fact well proportioned and once it's got a nice seat cushion will be a good addition to the garden seating.

 We now need to fill in all the gaps in the path that's occurred due to the altering of the raised bed shape and the opening up as a way through to the greenhouse, you can see a section in above photo. We also have to move the soil in the raised bed around to even it out and fill in the holes made while trying to make space for the new boarding.

The sleeper made wall has now had a coat of black stain along with the capping, that's also been fixed in place, so bringing it in line with the rest of the boarding.

The front long edge

Round towards the back circle, where Paul is now working on putting in the rope topped edging we've bought for the other lower side, his helpers are both on hand to comment on his work! To the left you can see some small paving stones we have bought to use to help fill in the gaps made in the path by the reshaping.

Rope topped edging, without dog in the way.

View from path to lych gate.

So still quite a bit more to do to tidy up the surrounding area but at least the raised bed is no longer spilling all over the path. It's surprising just how much better it all looks now it's done.

Saturday, 17 June 2023


 So the weather for the UK is HOT ! Which means we have to avoid working between 10 am and 6 pm in the garden. There is very little shade available in the garden and the raised bed is mostly in full sun most of the day.

But Paul's not one to be stopped if he's got a job to do. So he's been working when he can and now the back boards are all in. The blue plastic you can see is what we put in to stop the wood from rotting forming a barrier between the wood and the soil.

It will be stapled to the inside of the wood once the new raised wall is finished.

The corner that joins the old sleepers. This will have a capping to help protect the wood and give a nicer look along the path.

The front of the raised bed is lower at just 12 inches but more of the rotten wood is missing, so more of the earth has fallen onto the path. Also before because we used the log roll ( Wooden slates held together by wire that rolls out to follow the shape you want ) we were able to curve the bed around in a nice bend but now we are using heavy wooden planks, we cannot follow the old wood's curve, so need to adjust the bed to suit the new planks.

We also plan of narrowing the bed , once round the curve to allow more room on the path now the bed opposite is growing well and has reduced the walkway. This will mean we will need to infill and increase area's of the path once the raised bed is done.

Boards cut stained and ready to be attached.

New boards in place and attached.

Here you can see where the curve's been turned into more of an angle.

Here you can see how much wider the path will be now, this is to allow the mature plants on the left border not to hinder people walking to the back circle.

Looking back towards folly, showing widening border

Nearing the end! So not far to go but more digging out to get the wood in place.

Sowing where the original path is.

Some filling in needed along this edge.

Here you can see how much of the curve's now a fair bit of filling here.

View from above.

Unfortunately this next section needs to go in anything between 6 inches to 12 inches, so there will need to be more infilling along the path. But once it's all done it will look great and be much easier to look after.

Tomorrow, Sunday, we are due to have a massive storm pass through, with lots of heavy rain, mostly they are saying early evening. Which means that, hopefully this last long section will be finished and fitted and then we will have to wait it out before the final stage, which involves reducing the end of the raised bed by about 18 inches! But that will be for next week ! 

Monday, 12 June 2023


 So the raised bed repairs are slowly continuing. They would be further along if the wood had been delivered on Friday like they said it would!

So that's all in and now with posts at each end to keep secure and for the next wood to run off of.

The back area which had fallen down, is now cleared and at the end you can see a full post on the corner. This will have the new boards attached to it and also the boards that then run across the bottom behind the greenhouse on the left of the photo.

Raised bed looking towards the hidden circle of paved seating area.

The raised bed behind the greenhouse, due to the change in the weather and that a few years back our neighbour had the trees removed that were on the recreation ground behind us, which allowed more sun to get into what was a shady area, we've lost some of the Rhododendron's and plants that needs it a bit cooler. You can see the twigs on the right of a dead plant.

We are now going to reduce the bed slightly which will allow us to go round the greenhouse on the right hand side from shown.

So between this other long post and the trellis to the side, will be an opening, which will allow us round to the greenhouse. The greenhouse water barrel will be moved to the other side.

Now due to the loss of several shrubs , we can now see down to the folly from this area and our plan for this area will allow anyone sitting up on the paved circle by the back fence to catch a glimpse of the folly.

We will then put a seat back on the circle and possibly make a small roof above it, to stop the birds from messing it.

So hopefully the extra long boards will be delivered today, Monday, and if the weather is not too hot, we can continue getting the raised bed area repaired.