Sunday, 26 May 2019


Last year I made a circular bed round the sundial in the flower garden for the Irises. Then we bought two golden retriever puppies, whose joy it is , when able to get into the flower garden, is to chase each other round and round the Iris bed!
Sometimes running through it and in Rufus's case biting an Iris along the way!
 But I am pleased to say that the Irises did survive this doggy treatment and this week have started to flower!

The edging knocked out or over by the dogs still need resetting but at least the Irises have survived.

one of the first to flower.

 This beautiful golden one.

A peach one.

This purple

and this lovely tall blue and white.

I was worried that they would mostly be one colour because we'd moved them from other places in the garden after they'd flowered. But I'm happy to see that there is a nice variety of colour.

The others all look nice and healthy but we'll need to wait and see if they flower this year.



  1. They look lovely Dee, such pretty colours. Ours are always purple, a quite dark shade, but lovely all the same. I'm glad that yours survived despite the boys best efforts to destroy them :D

    1. Thanks Sharon, I'm really pleased how we could enjoy the flowers more than when in the borders :)
