Saturday, 26 August 2023


 I recently visited my youngest daughter and saw she had not filled two terracotta wall pots that were on the brick wall that forms the boundary between her and the neighbour who lives behind her.

I went to check to see if they'd ever been planted up since she'd moved in a couple of years back and saw that they had not been used at all. So I decided to ask if she liked them and was intending to us them. She said she didn't intend to use them, she felt they were too heavy for the wall and was worried they could fall off and hit one of her children if planted up.

Naturally I asked if I could have them if she didn't really want them. She was more than pleased for me to take them home with me after my visit. So I set about removing the earth in them and then she helped me get them off the wall. It did give me a chance to see that the brick wall they were hanging on was in a bad state of repair and really needs rebuilding or replacing. This is a boundary wall and she needs to check her deeds to see who it belongs to. I believe she'll find it's the neighbour behind the wall as the wall runs behind both her neighbours either side of her and further on. Either way removing the pots was probably a good idea along with speaking to the neighbour.

The pot on the left came off the wall easily but the one on the right we had to fight with as the screws holding it on were too big for the holes, so we landed up removing the screws along with the pot!

Once back home, Paul put them up below Neptune on the back wall of the house between the two sets of French doors.

A trip to the local garden centre and they are now planted up with some colour which will hopefully last until the frosts arrive in a few months.

So It's always worth asking that question, you never know the answer could be yes.

Sunday, 6 August 2023


 Since we need to pave the centre of the flower garden and even though it probably won't be happening until next spring, it still means we are thinking about what needs to happen.

So we decided we needed to move the sun dial to a new place as it would be in the way, where it was in the centre of the flower garden and it would maybe look to weathered when new paving is laid.

So we have moved up onto the circle of paving where the three paths meet by the folly. Above is a photo looking from the side of the folly.

Looking from the Lych Gate

Lastly from the path to the back fence.

From further back showing the sun dial now looking to be in front of the doorway to the folly.

We also cut back some of the shrubs that were beginning to cover the glass on the gazebo, so that more light can get through. It's surprising how much difference some careful pruning can do.

The flower garden does have a nice amount of colour in the beds.

another of the beds

another of the beds

The last one.

Lots of colour also in the house garden. Every where will need some adjustments come the autumn and next spring but looking lovely and the butterflies are loving it.

just a couple, a Red Admiral and a Peacock, there were three peacock butterflies and two red admiral butterflies resting on just this one bench seat.

This orange/brown one

another Peacock sunning it's self

and this one I saw in my friends courtyard garden.

So lots to see and do in the garden at present