At last all the fencing panels are in place and that part of the work is now finished !
So we have gone from this ... to..
This !
towards back gate and greenhouse
From greenhouse back towards compost bins and workshop. The fencing appears higher because we live on a hill and our neighbours ground level is level with the new fencing. We have a raised bed which you can see in front of it. Before , our neighbours hedge would grow across most of the bed and we just had it full of Epimedium , a pretty spring ground cover plant, in order that when we had time we could cut it back.
Now we will be digging in some of our homemade compost and planting this bed up with flowering shrubs , like Hydrangea's while leaving some paving slabs place between for some plant pots of summer colour.
We also want to move the compost bins back and slightly more towards the workshop, which will free up more space at that end.
So Paul's cut back and removed 100 foot of branches and replaced it with 100 ft of fence panels and posts and now we won't have to keep cutting back someone else hedge as we get older. Luckily we are very good friends with these neighbours and they have asked Paul to use his chainsaw to reduce the hedge on their side by two foot or more , which means we will be even more light into that part of the garden.
We even have some plants just waiting for a spot in the garden, some friends recently came to lunch and gave us a lovely white Hydrangea called Lime Light plus we have one we put in a pot because it was not happy in the space it was in.
Lime Light is in the green trug with the other beside in the grey pot.
Also this beautiful dark leafed on which has purple flowers be bought back in June when buying one for our youngest daughter, so it can also go into the new bed.
Along with this pink one that's been in a pot for a few years. So we won't need to spend much to get the new shrub bed up and running.
So now is the time to get these plants in so they will have the coming winter to get those roots nice and strong for next year.