And big gusts of wind! But jobs need doing, so we were outside today getting more done.
I carried on working in the corner of the formal box garden cutting down the rose which had taken over.
Four trugs of branches later..
A nice clear space, still needs rose root to be dug out, but all the branches are ready for garden recycling bin, two trugs were emptied in but need to wait until it's collected tomorrow before next two can be emptied in.
Now the very thorny rose is no longer stopping us from getting round the corner, this is what it's like on the path !
So the plan is to be able to walk down this path without getting caught up or attacked by the brambles and other climbers. There is a grape vine to remove and a Pillar Rose , there is some honeysuckle along with the Montana Clementis , so we need to decide if the honey suckle should go or stay
While I was clearing the rose in the formal box garden, Paul was over by the folly sorting out this rose in the raised garden. It called Mortimer Sackler and flowers for months in summer, along side it is a clementis however we have let both get tangled out and although we put this piece of trellis in a year or so back , it's not really doing the job.
So today Paul removed it and put in some bigger sturdier posts and a wider piece of trellis. All the posts, metz post and trellis were from when we removed screen down by the patio when we put the gazebo up.
So here is the newer stronger trellis and posts.
Looking from the other end of path by folly. It is quite imposing at the moment but once, after this years flowers , we cut the rose back and attach more of it to the trellis it will blend in more. Plus we are considering putting another large post on the other side of the path that runs long side it to form an arch over that path. But this will need to wait until the fencing along that side of the garden is done.
You can also see in this photo that the wooden edging we used 12 years ago is now rotting and will need replacing with something to help hold back the earth. Just another job among the many that always need doing when you have a garden!.
Paul also brought out the Abutilons from their winter home and placed them in the Cloisters.
So a busy gardening week ahead between the showers.