Sunday, 28 October 2018


Well I did not realise that we'd ignored the garden blog for so long! It could be to do with the fact we now have two puppy's ! Having added a second Golden Retriever to the family most of the head gardener's time's been spent on their training !

Our second retriever Rufus seems to delight in pulling up plants and digging enormous holes in the grass! A walk through a flower border is another of his joys!

Casper on the left and Rufus on the right.

Last Monday I took a couple of photos down by the folly, the sun was coming in from the corner of the garden.

The bird bath that we use for a centre piece here is getting that lovely moss covered worn look.

The red banana plant, was enjoying it's last bit of sun ,before being put away to wait out the winter.

the folly still needing a few more bricks before it's truly finished but this will now have to wait until the spring.

The circle up in the far corner is quite sheltered, so the Dahlia still continues to flower.

Almost one week on and the weather's turned very cold but flowers are still cheering up parts of the garden.

This Spirit of Freedom rose is looking gorgeous.

The Tropical area is still full although the banana's will need covering up soon.

up in the circle the Dahlia still flowers despite the drop in temperature.

Even this Fuchsia is in full flower!

The Dahlia.

in four days it will be November and so next weekend will be covering up and putting away everything that needs protecting to see it through the coming months of cold and icy weather.

The Acer earlier this month in full autumn colour.

The Abutalon which will need protection to survive the winter.

Such a pretty plant it would be a shame to lose it.

 another of the Acers.

This Nasturtium is going great .. in the compost bin!

And lastly a photo taken today of the grass complete with holes dug by Rufus with a tiny bit of help from Casper! 

In the coming months we'll be training Rufus in the art of the garden.. no digging without the right equipment and most importantly .. permission!       and the transferring of plants from one place to another is only allowed if the head gardener agrees!!  
