Sunday 24 April 2016


In the front garden under the window it's quite a shady place, the sun only reaches it early in the morning before it travels round the side of the house and across the back.

So it's an ideal place for those shade loving bulbs and plants.

Lots of spring colour.

I love it when the plants start to cover and hide the earth beneath.

These Dog Tooth Violet ( Erythronium ) bulbs are increasing nicely.


These single white Hellebore's are also increasing nicely.

A long with these deep purple Hellebore's.

There are also some blue and also white Bluebells scattered around the garden.

The vibrant green of the flowers on this Euphorbia  adds a great foil to the other plants.

Always a nice upright plant.

So that's a just a small corner of the front garden doing spring!



  1. Those flowers are so beautiful and look enjoying a shade plot.

  2. The Spring flowers are always some of my very favourite! They are always especially welcome after those cold, dark and dreary Winter months.
    I couldn't fail to notice some of these varieties whilst at the garden centre the other day getting more mundane stuff (compost and farmyard manure for the Runner Beans and 'weed and feed' for the lawns) and promised myself day....!

  3. This area does look very pretty. We don't see these plants here of course, so it is nice to see them on your blog Dee.

  4. Hmm, I LOVE both your garden and the picture at the back of the text box. So much to do here, so many things to learn!
    The world moved om yet again during my latest hibernation period. A bear needs help in keeping up sometimes.
    Congratulations on such a wonderful early season display.
    Trumble Gardener-Bear
    (Now, where IS my trowel??)
