Wednesday, 5 March 2025


 So the end of February and the start of March, the weather here in Hertfordshire has turned sunny ! After a very grey February the last week's been wonderful with the sun streaming into the house and garden.

It's also meant that Paul's been able to get out for a couple of hours each day and tackle the hedge that was growing about two foot a year.

The size of them shown above our five and a half foot fence we put in a few years back.

It's like a row of trees on top of the hedge, each one around seven/eight feet tall.

The first section reduced, although hard to see due to the height of the neighbours hedge on the other side of his garden.

So this is now 

Paul managed to clear this twenty foot section on his own on one of the sessions.


only this big last 'tree' to cut down and then it's done.

A closer view.

Our neighbours said how sunny it was on their side last afternoon, when the sun is coming across from our side, now there are no giant hedge in the way.

The view of the cut back hedge from our neighbours side.

This is his other hedge on the other side. The bench partly shown in the photo is one we gave them when we replaced them with the smaller ones. This bench is about seven foot to the peak, which shows just how big the hedges have got to.

Between the two shrubs are two piles of the cuttings from the hedge between us and them.

a bit too sunny to get a good photo of the piles of cuttings but the biggest one was over six foot high and seven foot wide.

So just one trunk to cut down, then the whole thing on my neighbours side needs tidying up and then it's down to him to keep it from growing so big again.

But at least now we'll get some decent sun at that end of the garden in future. 

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