Monday 12 June 2023


 So the raised bed repairs are slowly continuing. They would be further along if the wood had been delivered on Friday like they said it would!

So that's all in and now with posts at each end to keep secure and for the next wood to run off of.

The back area which had fallen down, is now cleared and at the end you can see a full post on the corner. This will have the new boards attached to it and also the boards that then run across the bottom behind the greenhouse on the left of the photo.

Raised bed looking towards the hidden circle of paved seating area.

The raised bed behind the greenhouse, due to the change in the weather and that a few years back our neighbour had the trees removed that were on the recreation ground behind us, which allowed more sun to get into what was a shady area, we've lost some of the Rhododendron's and plants that needs it a bit cooler. You can see the twigs on the right of a dead plant.

We are now going to reduce the bed slightly which will allow us to go round the greenhouse on the right hand side from shown.

So between this other long post and the trellis to the side, will be an opening, which will allow us round to the greenhouse. The greenhouse water barrel will be moved to the other side.

Now due to the loss of several shrubs , we can now see down to the folly from this area and our plan for this area will allow anyone sitting up on the paved circle by the back fence to catch a glimpse of the folly.

We will then put a seat back on the circle and possibly make a small roof above it, to stop the birds from messing it.

So hopefully the extra long boards will be delivered today, Monday, and if the weather is not too hot, we can continue getting the raised bed area repaired.

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