Friday 8 November 2019


November is here and don't we know it ! The temperature is dropping and we are getting clear nights which means frosts!
Which means it's time to start putting everything to bed for the winter to protect those tender plants.

But It also means that some plants are putting on a last display, like our smoke bush.

It is living up to it's name and making a blaze of colour in our front garden.

The view from the front door. And to think we nearly dug this bush up a few years back when it looked like it was dying but we decided to leave it another year to see what happened ! Just as well we did.

You can just see a few Fushia's still flowering on the bush in the front of photo and a yellow rose in the centre, so still colour in the garden.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, where did January through to the end of October go? I still need to plant up my seeds for summer 2019 displays! Oh well, they will do for 2020!

    Love the smoke bush. what a splash of colour in a gloomy period. Autumn has finished here - it snowed today and the leaves are just about all fallen from most trees and our tender things are in the polytunnel, barn or covered up. The garden looks bleak, with scaffold and lack of attention for two years, so thank you for this inspiring and cheery post.
    J x
