Sunday 13 August 2017


Today Sunday we have had lovely sunshine and at times very hot temperatures.

This is the late afternoon , sun still shinning.


Having and a whole day of rain on Wednesday and nice dry weather ever since the tropical garden is growing like .. well a jungle!

The way to the back gate! The side of the raised Tropical garden needs repairing, we may build a double low brick wall here later in the year or next year.

Paul spent the morning laying the folly foundation , our twenty bags of ballast were not enough! we had to go and get five more to finish the job!

 But now the foundations are in and next weekend we can start thinking about building!!
The design is changing and being tweaked as we progress but no doubt could be changed again once we start! the build or even while we build.



  1. What a difference being a few miles north or south makes!

    I LOVE seeing how your garden designs and building progress, but beeing able to enjoy your plants is always a joy. This year, more so than ever because we have had so few blooms as Wales has gone from flood to drought in days and the temperatures at night have been very low, even after the hottest days, so our plants are confused!

    When you hold an open garden (Oh, yes, YOU MUST!) I demand a video!!!!! Does your village enter Britain in Bloom? I think you and Paul would be the stars of that show.

    Our grandson is (too) wide awake, pointing at your photos and impressed by your 'tweeeeeees,' and 'dunkey'(Billy Bob), not to mention 'the daddy mans' Paul. He sends his love and is demanding to go out and give 'Mama's fwowers dwink.' - Would you like a gardening assistant.... at 5 am...watering plants in the pouring rain ....pulling up weedses that you thought were marigolds...?

    Thanks for sharing everything. I so look forward to your posts.
    J xx

  2. Beeing? Well, it is in keeping with a post about a garden!
