Friday, 28 February 2025



So we do have good neighbours and the ones on our left, if you are looking down the garden , have hedges on both sides for their garden.

A good few years back they reduced the height down after we asked and all was fine. Then  a couple of years back we put in a fence, which meant we cut the hedge on our side back to the original fence line.

Unfortunately our neighbours gardener complained he could not reach the top of the hedge and left cutting it.

So it started growing taller , we mentioned it and they arranged for their new gardener to cut it back again. 

It's now been a good year of us chasing up the neighbour , to him chasing up his gardener, to him saying I'll come and do it in a couple of weeks !!

Yesterday our neighbour asked if he could borrow our chainsaw as yet again the gardener had given the usual set of excuses!

My neighbour is in his mid seventies, so my husband, only just into his seventies ! Said if he waited until today he'd come round and give him a hand.

So they cut some off, stopped for a couple of hours to do some other things, including Paul checking over the chainsaw which had started playing up.

A couple of the huge heavy branches came down in our side and because they were so heavy Paul needed to cut branches off in order to pull then back round to our neighbours.

Naturally one of my terracotta pots , which had tulip bulbs just breaking through, got broken while Paul was trying to get the branches /trunks off the flower garden bed.

So after having another go at it this afternoon, they have managed to reduce about ten foot of it.

The green behind the cut off trunks is our neighbour's hedge on the other side of his garden.

So you can see from this photo the height of the next section that needs to come down.

so another seventy foot to go!!! Well unless the gardeners suddenly appear and do the job ! 

So at the moment this is our my flower garden looks ! 

So a lot to get done hopefully before any birds start nesting !